Leading Hamilton East accommodation provider, Aspen Manor Motel, is certainly the perfect place for corporate travelers to be based when they visit the city for business.
Aspen Manor Motel’s fully equipped on-site meeting room seats up to 15 and is perfect for corporate travelers, discussion groups and interviews. For the full experience, catering is also available and the Aspen Manor Motel meeting room is available for hire for in and out of house guests. Owners, Simon and Lornae Lowe, are happy to discuss your individual requirements for this facility which is nicely decorated and has all the necessary requirements.
Technology is a big part of the Aspen Manor Motel experience for the corporate traveler.
The latest computer technology is available, with each unit having a hard wired, high speed, very secure broadband service. Free WiFi is available – 500mb for a 24 hour period. Through their exceptional service Aspen Manor Motel also offer to Aspen Manor guests, a 24 hour, 0800 technical support offsite service is available to counteract any technical difficulties that may arise.
An additional service that Aspen Manor has available is a guest computer and printer in reception.
The beds at Aspen Manor Motel are very comfortable and so you can get a perfect night’s sleep, which is very important for corporate travelers who have a full day’s work ahead of them.
Rooms at Aspen Manor Motel, except studios where there is one, featured two flat screen televisions with SKY TV, one in the bedroom and one in the lounge. The lounge also has a decent size dining table where the corporate traveler can set their laptop and do work from.
Aspen Manor Motel has 31 spacious and superbly decorated units, so there is plenty of room for the whole family. Aspen Manor Motel is within a walking distance to an interesting array of shops, cafes, bars, restaurants and parks in Hamilton East such as Hamilton Gardens.
Contact Aspen Manor Motel
Address: 209 Grey Street, Hamilton East, Hamilton, New Zealand
Phone: +64-7-856 9029
Fax: +64-7-856 9028
Reservation Freephone: 0800 ASPEN 9 (0800 27736 9)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Aspenmanormotel
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AspenStay
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/AspenManorNZ/
Contact MediaPA:
Phillip Quay
Phone: 0274 587 724
Email: phillip@mediapa.co.nz
Website: www.mediapa.co.nz
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MediaPA
Twitter: twitter.com/NZ_MediaPA
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/TheMediaPA
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/NZMediaPA